Creatonaut 0.25.0 Release

Hey everyone! This is the first public release of Creatonaut which will allow our Translatonauts (notice a pattern!) to begin building courses for the platform!

This, along with launchpad, is going to form the bedrock of our ‘incubator’ style programme, which aims to make it as easy as possible for contributors to work on a course, so they can spend more time translating and contributing and less time working out technical issues.

That being said , the first creatonaut revision is a BETA release and we’ll need all the help we can get with bug reporting so we can smooth out the wrinkles and make it a better app for our volunteers down the line.

Bug reporting can be done in the corresponding channel on our discord, along with new image requests.

Creatonaut is free, you don’t have to be a volunteer to use it, and it can be downloaded over at launchpad

Release Notes

  1. Initial PUBLIC release of Creatonaut
  2. 48 Images available for use
  3. Requires Windows 10 or later
  4. Known issue: preview not available
  5. Known issue: no way to open new project without restarting app

Security Info

Scan indicates 1/67 scan, no pings from any major vendors, one ping from 'Maxsecure', as suspicious due to Creatonaut being new.

Attempted to contact Maxsecure about the false positive but their website is broken with no functioning line of communication.

Update - Creatonaut 0.25.0 rev. 4 hotfix
Update - Creatonaut 0.25.1 hotfix

UPDATE: Creatonaut updated from 0.25.0 rev. 3 to 0.25.0 rev. 4 – fixed missing headers

UPDATE: Creatonaut updated from 0.25.0 rev. 4 to 0.25.1 – dropped revision numbering, fixed not properly closing, fixed errors when adding and removing questions, fixed ‘Match’ question type, removed debug repos, shrank file size.

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